Your pet is in expert hands
Along with providing routine wellness care, our senior staff are highly skilled and experienced in handling most vet surgery procedures. Vetcare also has an excellent relationship with Massey University which facilitates access to expert advice or referral for specific conditions.
Soft tissue surgery
Emergency surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Diagnostics – incl. digital xray
Our treatment plans are designed with you
We customise diagnostic and treatment plans to best suit your needs and we will always give you options and clear fee estimates to help you make the best choice.
Surgery Information
Dedicated Surgical Theatre
Vetcare has a dedicated surgical suite onsite equipped with the latest technology and anaesthetic drugs. The skill and care of our surgical staff is supported by our post-op nursing team who monitor and care for animals with heat pads, modern pain relief and IV fluids to assist their safe and rapid recovery.
Pain-Free Surgery
Surgery provides pet parents with the opportunity to cure a huge range of pet health issues. We apply our expert knowledge, experience and absolute care to achieve the desired outcomes while minimising any trauma or pain and supporting their recovery. From bone and soft tissue to de sexing operations, we can support you with the majority of your surgical needs.
X-Rays & Scope Imaging
We have a human hospital level radiology machine and automatic processor to help us get accurate, diagnostic images of your pet’s organs, airways, limbs and foreign objects.
Orthopaedic Surgery
You are in expert hands
When it comes to orthopaedic issues or concerns, Vetcare should be your first port of call. Dr Heidi is renowned for her skill as an orthopaedic surgeon and once the issue is identified, we will talk through your options and give you an itemised fee estimate to help you make the best and most informed choice for your pet.
Holistic Veterinary Care
We are a holistic vet practice which means we embrace the use of pet physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, hydrotherapy, and massage therapy as part of the rehabilitation process. Our willingness to use a range of treatments enables us to offer your pet the best rehabilitation strategy possible to get your pet back to wellness.

Brachycephalic surgery
Brachycephalic surgery can refer to the following five elements
We would strongly encourage you to consider all five areas before you make your final decision.
Soft palate resection
Laryngeal saccule removal
Tonsil removal
Palate thinning
Appropriate Airway Correction
If considering airway improvement (which we recommend in every brachycephalic at 12 months of age, before significant airway struggles exist), here’s a checklist to help you find the right surgeon:
Q: What could help with selecting the right surgeon?
As part of your surgeon selection decision, we recommend you rate your surgeon on their experience across all 5 aspects
Q: How would I know if my pets getting the right treatment done?
Interview your surgeon, even if they are a specialist (as many specialists don’t do all 5 aspects or may not do at least 30 a year).
Q: How would I know what’s going to happen?
Ideally your surgeon should have explained all 5 aspects of airway correction to you clearly, however if not, ask.
Q: What type of outcome will I receive for my pet?
Experience is the most important part of getting the best long term result and the least chance of post surgical complications.
Q: How experienced are they with laryngeal saccule removal, tonsil removal and palate thinning?
You could even ask them how often they have done each of these procedures.
Q: How often do they carry out airway correction surgery?
At least 30 per year would be an ideal number.
Q: How many of the following airway correction practices does the surgeon undertake on a regular basis?
1) Nares widening,
2) Palate shortening,
3) Laryngeal saccule removal,
4) Tonsil removal,
5) Palate thinning (most surgeons don’t do this but long term results are potentially significantly better if you find one that can. Note: Palate “resection” does not include thinning).